South Africa Hits Daily Case Record of Nearly 5,000

South Africa Hits Daily Case Record of Nearly 5,000
Undertakers carry coffins at the end of the funeral proceedings for CCP virus victims at a Mosque in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 16, 2020. (Marco Longari/AFP/Getty Images)

JOHANNESBURG—South Africa has announced nearly 5,000 new CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus cases for a new daily record.

The country has recorded a total of 92,000 confirmed cases as of Saturday, which is about 30 percent of all cases across the African continent. More than half of South Africa’s cases are in Western Cape province and centered on the city of Cape Town.

But more than one-fifth are in Gauteng province, home to the economic hub of Johannesburg, and to the South African capital of Pretoria.

Even as cases rise, President Cyril Ramaphosa this week announced a further loosening of what once was one of the world’s strictest lockdowns.

Casinos, beauty salons, and sit-down restaurant service are among the latest businesses to be up and running again as South Africa feels the pain of the pandemic’s economic impact.

Epoch Times staff contributed to this report