HD Hyundai Announces Ambitions to Transform Maritime Industry

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HD Hyundai Co. unveiled its vision for a sustainable approach for the future of the maritime industry at the Consumer Electronics Show on Jan. 4.

“We must find new frontiers of our own, new domains for the continued growth of humanity. Some are looking to outer space which, of course, is beyond exciting but for the long term,” said HD Hyundai Co. President and CEO Chung Ki-Sun. “For the current generations, we believe that there remains plenty of uncharted areas on this planet—in fact, 70 percent of it! Our oceans will be the new, blue frontier of our generation, those vast seas of untapped opportunities, which present a whole new world of potential for our future.”

The announcement discussed recreational boating and improvements for consumers, but focused mainly on shipping and wind energy. It included an approach to the company’s outlook on sustainability with key points they coined on Ocean Mobility objectives, Ocean Wise and Ocean Life technology, and a growing focus on Ocean Energy.

HD Hyundai noted during the event that partnerships with General Electric and Palantir, an American data analytics company, are making their efforts for a more sustainable shipping and maritime industry possible.

“From the future of Ocean Mobility and our OceanWise strategy, to smart sea leisure experience and sustainable Ocean Energy eco-system, HD Hyundai is thinking big and moving fast to secure a brighter future for us all,” said Ki-Sun.

Correction: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified the company. NTD regrets the error.