Southern China Hit by Severe Rains, Floods as ‘Dragon Boat Water’ Peaks

By Reuters
June 19, 2022China News
Southern China Hit by Severe Rains, Floods as ‘Dragon Boat Water’ Peaks
Flooded fields and buildings following heavy rains in Rongan in China's southern Guangxi region on June 13, 2022. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

BEIJING—Vast tracts of southern China were pounded by severe storms, triggering flooding in cities and mudslides in rural areas, as the first bout of summer rains reached the peak of their power.

Streets turned to swollen rivers as cars and single-story houses were swept away in at least two counties in Guizhou province in southwestern China on Saturday, according to videos circulating on Chinese social media. The rainfall in some areas has been the heaviest in 60 years.

In neighboring autonomous region Guangxi, five villagers were killed when a house built of wood gave way after being lashed by torrential rains, state media said on Saturday.

The actual number of casualties from such events may be much higher. The actual number of casualties is difficult to verify, as the Chinese regime routinely suppresses or alters information.

Mudslides and road collapses were also reported.

Heavy rainfall will persist in the provinces of Guizhou, Jiangxi, Anhui, and Zhejiang, as well as in Guangxi, until early next week, according to state weather forecasts on Sunday, as a rainy window known as “dragon boat water” peaks.

In southern China, the weeks preceding and following the Dragon Boat Festival in early June are traditionally marked by unsettled and rainy weather as warm and humid air in the south collides with cooler air masses from the north.

The early summer storms have been greater in intensity and more prolonged than usual this year, with precipitation in Guangxi, Guangdong, and Fujian at its highest since 1961, according to local weather bureaus.

China is historically prone to summer flooding, but in recent times, it has become more vulnerable due to deforestation, reclamation of wetlands, and storage of water for power generation and irrigation.

In July 2021, at least hundreds of people died when extreme flooding struck Zhengzhou, a city of 12 million in central China, some of whom drowned in a submerged subway line.

The ongoing rains in southern China are expected to ease around the summer solstice on Tuesday.