Spectacular Video Shows Anak Krakatau Erupting up Close

By Reuters
July 29, 2018World News
Spectacular Video Shows Anak Krakatau Erupting up Close
Various of ash and lava spewed off Anak Krakatau on July 28, 2018. (Reuters/Screenshot)

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Anak Krakatau, or the “child” of a stratovolcano Krakatoa, most known for its deadly 1883 eruption that wreaked havoc on the global climate, was shown erupting between July 18th and 19th, causing a plume of ash of around 1.5km (5,000 ft) to rise.

The active volcano, located between the Sumatran and Javan islands, has been erupting intermittently since 1930, when it first rose above the waves after breaking off from Krakatoa. This was nearly 50 years after Krakatoa’s deadly 1883 eruption, which killed an estimated 36,000 at the time; its plume of ash, which shot nearly 20km into the sky caused global temperatures to fall by as much as 1.2 degrees in the following year.

Video showed Anak Krakatau spewing pumice, ash and rock into the sea. The area is largely uninhabited, though it is a popular tourist spot.

Indonesia is situated on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where colliding tectonic plates cause geological instability, leading to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.