Spicer calls first 100 days an ‘artificial deadline’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 28, 2017US News

The first 100 days of a presidency is not a real deadline to measure what an administration has accomplished, said White House press secretary Sean Spicer.

“I think this idea of judging a presidency by the first hundred days–if you go back, with the exception of FDR, there’s not been–it’s really an artificial deadline,” he said.

President Donald Trump has already made “a lot of headway,” but there’s still much work to be done, the press secretary added.

“There’re a lot of pieces of legislation, there’re a lot of executive orders, and there’s a lot of foundations that he has built with world leaders to re-establish America’s place in the world. So I think we’re proud of what we’ve done but I think we want to make it very clear that we’ve got eight, seven plus years to go and this president is going to do a lot to help this country grow and be a safer place. We don’t want to be judged just on the first 100 days, we got a long way to go,” said Spicer.

Trump will mark his 100 days in office on Saturday.