Spirit of Shen Yun Dancers Could Bring ‘Calm and Serenity’

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 25, 2019Shen Yun

Winter is not yet over, but it was a beautiful spring afternoon in Nantes that welcomed the world famous Shen Yun Performing Arts to the city.

Sophie Tanniou, PhD, is a consultant and strategic development manager for the teaching of English to professionals and individuals at ANNAM Services in Nantes. She said the dancers and colors created a sort of harmony in the performance.

“I have no words to describe it, it is very delicate and at the same time very harmonious … It is done with great elegance and great lightness.”

Bruno Le Floc’h, a permanent deacon, very involved in his parish of Saint-Yves-de-la-Côte-Sauvage (Le Pouliguen), shared his impressions after having discovered traditional Chinese culture and noticed its profound spirituality.

“It is not every day that you can see a show of such quality in Brittany,” he said. “I came with my wife and some members of my family and I am very happy with this discovery which is both cultural and spiritual.”

According to its program book, the different scenes of the performance recall the mythological foundations of Chinese civilization, which has always maintained its link with the heavens.

“I really like this way of affirming without imposing, but by proposing and disclosing so that more and more people also learn about its cultural background,” he said.

“The company conveys a message and means something strong. A message of peace, a message of spiritual life, a message also from the hereafter. A hereafter that is essential and unfortunately missing for many of us,” he said.

Aware that the Shen Yun show is performed all over the world but not in China, since the communist regime does not accept the freedom of expression in the show, he said: “It is a courageous position, I imagine that Shen Yun will go [to China], one day it will probably be possible, or at least I hope so.”

NTD News, Nantes, Europe