Star basketball player stunned seeing his soldier brother on game court

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 2, 2017Stories
Star basketball player stunned seeing his soldier brother on game court

After winning a great basketball game, full of energy and zeal, the audience wouldn’t had expected any more thrills. But the team and coaches had their tricks all planned to surprise not only the viewers but also their team’s star player.

Matt Farrell, a junior point guard in Notre Dame’s basketball team got stunned, when his team surprised him by bringing his military brother, who has been deployed in Afghanistan, on the game court.

Their genuine gesture truly proved that nothing is more inspiring than getting an unconditional support and love from one’s team.


While anyone would be happy enough with the night already, Farrell’s team wanted to do something extra special for him. That’s when they surprised him with a special video message from his brother, Bo. 1st Lt. Bo Farrell has been deployed with the army in Afghanistan.

The video message brought Farrell to tears. What’s better than getting a special message from a loved one during the holiday seasons?


Well, as it turned out, his coaches had a trick play up their sleeves and the results would be game winning!

There is a little bit of a giveaway at the end of the video when 1st Lt. Farrell says that he’s looking forward to being home “soon, really really soon.” It make you wonder, just how soon is soon?

Using the video message as a distraction, the Notre Dame men’s basketball coaches were able to surprise their star player with his beloved brother in person!


The emotional reunion between the two brothers from New Jersey is sure to have you in tears. It’s a beautiful moment and the stadium’s crowd went wild for the homecoming. You’re definitely going to need the tissues when the whole family comes down from the stands to be reunited with their oldest son.

Farrell never expected to see his brother. The next time he was supposed to see him wasn’t going to be until February, but thanks to the love and familial ways of his coaches and team members, he got his Christmas gift early this year.


His coaches had been planning the brothers’ reunion for seven months! All of the planning was clearly worth it. The looks on the brothers’ faces are absolutely heartwarming.


“He got me,” Farrell said after the tearful surprise. “We don’t ask for much for Christmas, so this is the best present I’ve ever gotten.”

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