How to stash your car under the stairs

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 15, 2017Entertainment
How to stash your car under the stairs

What is the cheapest way to construct a garage for your car? Just make some space under the stairs, add a doors to lock the car in and ta-da! DIY garage. It will be a tight fit, so you’ll also need a movable ramp to get your car squeezed inside the space.

In the video we see how one man fits his mini car into the compact space under the stairs; with a rather serious expression on his face which we confess we cannot match. There is literally not a single inch of space left.

This guy thought it through, with there even being an engine to push the ramp into position, so he can just drive straight on to it. Granted, he prefers to push the car on ramp into the ‘garage’ himself.

So park yourself for some innovative enjoyment: