State, Federal Agencies Investigate Links Between Violence and Anarchist Group Antifa

Kevin Hogan
By Kevin Hogan
June 6, 2020US News

Violent riots have ravaged major cities across the country over the last several days. The Texas Department of Public Safety is investigating links between the extremist group Antifa and the looting of a Target store in Austin. The agency’s director said Antifa coordinated the looting over the internet. Additionally, the FBI has several ongoing investigations into violent anarchist extremists including those motivated by Antifa.

Peaceful protests during the day in the name of George Floyd, who died in Minneapolis police custody after an officer knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes, have often devolved into violent riots with looting, arson, destruction of private property, and attacks on police.

Jack Posobiec is a veteran naval intelligence officer, a political commentator, and has researched Antifa extensively. Antifa members have physically attacked Prosobiec and have disrupted his events.

“They are promoting ideology of insurrection, and ideology of revolution. They are anti-government extremists. And their goal is the destabilization of countries,” Posobiec said.

He says their symbol consists of two flags: “The Black Flag of anarchy, with the red flag of communism,” he said.

Peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody have often morphed into lawless free-for-alls. Attorney General William Barr suspects Antifa is driving the violence. Project Veritas infiltrated Antifa and found that the group does not hesitate to incite violence and uses a tactic called Black Bloc.

“A Black Bloc is a group of individuals, a large group of individuals who are up who are moving in concert—so a group and a crowd—and they’re all masked,” said Posobiec.

A commentary on the Antifa website It’s Going Down (pdf) paints a clear picture of their goals: the destruction of the father figure, government, democracy, and capitalism through the use of violence, vandalism, robbery and removing the values of hard work, self-discipline, honesty, and ambition.

“They’re not seeking unity. They are seeking destruction. They are seeking violence. They are seeking to pit citizen against citizen and are seeking the ultimate subversion of the rule of law in America,” Posobiec said.

Posobiec suspects we may see the feds infiltrate these extremist groups like they did during the planning of the violent inauguration protests in 2016.

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