Stick to Your Diet This Holiday Season

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 3, 2018Food

’Tis the season of delicious food, and the time to test your resolve.

With all the parties coming up, people who are on a diet or have certain food allergies—eating well during the holiday season can be quite a challenge. Here are a few ideas on what you can do.

Plan well and stick to the plan.

If you can eat at home before going to a party, then it might be easier to resist the temptation. Of course, you can argue that if you can’t resist the temptation, you’ll be in even more trouble.

So the “stick to the plan” part is vital. “Practice makes perfect,” and that phrase doesn’t exclusively apply to singing carols, but also to refusing food. No matter how delicious it looks, or how guilty you feel to the person offering it to you, practice saying “No.”

Alternatively, get a plate and fill it up and then stop. This way, you won’t be picking and snacking directly from serving dishes every now and then.

Bringing your own food and sharing it with everyone is another solution.

If all of the suggestions above fail, other remedies are possible—spend some time on the dance floor, or later in a gym.