Stop Harassing My Mom and What Would I Say to President Trump?

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
October 13, 2017Opinion
Stop Harassing My Mom and What Would I Say to President Trump?
Jennifer Zeng with her mother in early 1999, in the last photo Jennifer took with her family before the persecution of Falun Gong began. (Courtesy of Jennifer Zeng)

I was told that my mom was harassed in China again recently. With the approach of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party is so nervous that they had the leader of my mom’s former workplace give a warning to her, who has retired long ago and is only a harmless lady of 75 years old.

They required my mother to pass on their messages to me: Don’t come into contact with President Donald J. Trump, don’t do anything that will harm the party and the homeland, and support the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China so that the congress can be held and finished smoothly.

It seems to me that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s spy network in the United States is not working that properly and efficiently. Have I ever had any channels to set up any contact with President Donald J. Trump? Oh, I wish I could! If I were really capable of getting into contact with him, I would:

  1. Give him a copy of “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” and let him know that the CCP is the real enemy and the biggest terrorist in the world. As the leader of the free world, he should definitely read this book and see the CCP for what it is.
  2. Give him a copy of “An Update to Bloody Harvest & The Slaughter” and remind him that the U.S. congress has unanimously passed House Resolution 343 to express concern over China’s organ procurement from non-consenting prisoners of conscience, including from “large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners and members of other religious and ethnic minority groups.”

I’d like to remind him that another type of genocide is still happening in China. It once took a long time for the world to believe the existence of Auschwitz, and the world once vowed “Never Again.” Unfortunately, lessons have not been learned, and a new form of evil has been happening for more than a decade in China, where masses of people have been killed on demand for their organs.

  1. Give him a copy of my memoir “Witnessing History: one woman’s fight for freedom and Falun Gong,” and a DVD of the award-winning documentary “Free China: the courage to believe,” which features my story.

I would like to tell him that countless numbers of my innocent fellow Falun Gong practitioners are still suffering what I once suffered in the labor camp for their belief in the principles of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.” Many of them are forced to do slave labor, and the cheap products have been exported to the world, including the United States. This has been hurting local industries of many countries, including the United States.

It is a pity that I don’t see any chance for me to get close to President Trump. It is ridiculous that my mom in China has been groundlessly harassed for what I have not done and will not have any chance to do. So, I am writing this article, in a hope that the mighty internet could help, and that somehow the above messages of mine can reach the president, or at least to his assistants and staff. My readers, if you have any channels, please do help. Otherwise, wouldn’t my mom be harassed for nothing?

Jennifer Zeng is the author of “Witnessing History: One Chinese Woman’s Fight for Freedom and Falun Gong.” Before she was persecuted in China for her faith, she was a researcher and consultant in the Development Research Center of the State Council, the State Cabinet. Her story is featured in the award-winning documentary “Free China; the Courage to Believe,” co-produced by New Tang Dynasty Television and World2Be Productions. Zeng has a blog and posts to Facebook

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