This story behind the heartbreaking photos of a 5-year-old talking at his twin’s grave will move you to tears

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 3, 2017Stories
This story behind the heartbreaking photos of a 5-year-old talking at his twin’s grave will move you to tears

When Brooke and her partner received the news that they were going to be proud parents of identical twins, they were over the moon. However, their joy quickly turned to grief when at 24 weeks, they had to face the sad fact that one twin had not survived.

“I just buried my head in my hands crying.” Brooke said. The pregnancy was very difficult up until she could give birth to the surviving twin.

During an ultrasound in the Florence Alabama Clinic, Brooke was informed of the state of her babies’ condition. She was told that her unborn son died from Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, or TTTC, a rare condition which causes one identical twin to receive higher blood flow than the other. Unfortunately most babies affected by TTTC don’t survive.

In March 2007, Walker was born alongside his identical twin, Willis. “The birth was bittersweet. I was both thankful and sad,” Brooke said.

Facebook / Brooke Myrick

As Walker grew up he felt very connected to his brother. In 2012, when visiting the grave, he solemnly sat down and told his brother about his first day at preschool. He also likes to write to his brother. Brooke accepts his bond with Willis. Walker says, “I know my brother is watching over me.”

Facebook / Brooke Myrick

The family enjoys going to Willis’ grave. All young children in the family including Jolie, Cooper and Bryant, come along. Every year they take balloons to Willis on Walker & Willis’s birthday.

Brooke and Michael are raising funds to bring awareness about TTTC in the hopes to save more babies’ lives. So far they have organized 2 fundraising walks for the TTTC foundation.

Life is precious; we should strive to cherish it.