Stranger Stabs Navy Officer After Mistaking Him for a Neo-Nazi Because of His Haircut

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
August 20, 2017US News
Stranger Stabs Navy Officer After Mistaking Him for a Neo-Nazi Because of His Haircut
(Joshua Witt via Facebook)

A man says he was stabbed by an unknown attacker after he mistakenly confused him for a neo-Nazi—apparently because of his haircut style.

Twenty-six-year-old, Joshua Witt, described the shocking incident on his Facebook page where he showed photos of the bloody aftermath. As of writing, his post has garnered over 28,000 shares and over 9 thousand reactions.

“Sooooooo apparently I look like a neo-nazi and got stabbed for it,” he wrote on Facebook.

He said the man was aiming for his head when he slashed him at Denver, Colorado. “[L]uckily I put my hands up to stop it so he only stabbed my hand,” he wrote. “… please keep in mind there was no conversation between me and this dude I was literally just getting out of my car,” he wrote on Facebook.

Witt was planning to get a shake after a chiropractor visit when a man approached him as he got out of his car. All Witt heard him say was “you one of them neo-nazi?” before the man stabbed him with a small pocket knife at his car door and quickly fled the scene.

The Colorado man says he just sat there in shock after the incident. He said had no tattoos and that there was nothing on his car that might suggest he was a neo-nazi, he wrote on Facebook.

“I just don’t understand this world anymore lol people are crazy,” he commented on his post. 

Witt’s short buzzed-on-the-sides style and long on the top haircut—common among young men today, and even more common in the military—has been associated with people who identify as right-wing and also people who identify as neo-Nazis, as seen on TV and from photos on the Charlottesville protests.

Replying to a friend in the comments he said he was not sure if the man was on drugs, “I have no idea if he was on anything” he wrote.

The attack was unprovoked and appeared to be random. Witt says he immediately called the police who arrived quickly.

“They were there within 5 min of me calling I was still on dispatch as they were showing up but as far as I know the dude still is at large,” he replied to a comment on his Facebook post.

Witt says he had to get 3 stitches to fix the wound and is just glad to be alive after the encounter, as it “definitely could have been worse” he wrote.

According to his Facebook page, he works as a Boatswain’s Mate at the U.S. Navy.

After filing the report he said police are still looking for the suspect.