Strong Majority of Americans Want Investigation on Obama Administration’s Role in Initiating Russia Investigation: CNN Poll

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
May 3, 2019Politics
Strong Majority of Americans Want Investigation on Obama Administration’s Role in Initiating Russia Investigation: CNN Poll
Then-FBI Director Robert Mueller in Washington on June 25, 2008. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

According to a CNN poll taken on almost a thousand random people from April 25 to 28, some 69 percent “think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76 percent of Democrats, 69 percent of independents and 62 percent of Republicans.”

Interestingly enough, CNN’s own poll results concerning this news were not emphasized, but buried at the end of the article “CNN Poll: With Mueller investigation over, Trump approval at 43%.” President Trump’s approval ratings currently stand at their highest since April 2017, a month before special counsel Robert Mueller began investigating the Trump campaign for collusion with Russia. The recent release of the Mueller report and its conclusions have raised public interest in why and how that investigation was authorized to begin in the first place.

The polling question itself concerned if Congress should “investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry.” The origins of the investigation go back to the Obama administration. These developments have been investigated and reported thoroughly in the Epoch Times’s Spygate coverage, and especially addressed in “Spygate: The Inside Story Behind the Alleged Plot to Take Down Trump.”

The result of this new poll revealed that more than two-thirds of the population believe that the past practices of the Department of Justice need to be investigated. This is what Attorney General Bill Barr and Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) agreed to do at the Senate Judiciary hearing on May 1. This is also a reason why those who oppose Trump in politics and in the press are targeting the current Attorney General.

Furthermore, this poll commissioned by CNN ironically demonstrates the overt political bias in the mainstream media, which has been telling the public continually that the Obama administration did not spy on the Trump campaign, and that the DOJ and FBI did nothing wrong at the time. Now, it seems that those notions are increasingly being questioned by the public.

CNN’s headline also highlights President Trump’s overall approval rating is now at 43 percent, rising from 37 percent at the start of 2019. Breitbart noted that random adult samples used as a polling method are biased against Republicans, unlike more reliable polling samples of “likely” or “registered” voters.

The Breitbart report also noted that random adult polls are most useful in displaying overall trends, which in this case are in favor of the president. According to the poll, the public does not support impeachment, with a strong 59 percent majority.