Study Shows Democrats Will Profit From Redistribution of Congressional Seats Due to Immigrants

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 23, 2019Politics
Study Shows Democrats Will Profit From Redistribution of Congressional Seats Due to Immigrants
194 illegal immigrants, mostly from Central America, were apprehended Sunday trying to enter the United States illegally near the Antelope Wells Port of Entry in New Mexico. (U.S. Customs and Border Patrol)

Democrats will most likely profit from the ongoing influx of immigrants as early as 2020, according to a Center of Immigration Studies (CIS) study.

According to the study as much as 26 congressional seats—enough to flip the House majority, which is at 21 seat difference at the moment—will be shifted to Democratic states, the Daily Wire reported.

Population count is the determining factor when it comes to reapportioning seats to states in the U.S. House of Representatives and, thus, for votes in the Electoral College.

Since the allocation of seats is a zero-sum system, a growing number of the population will lead to a growing political influence.

Central American illegal immigrants, moving in a caravan through Juchitan, Oaxaca, Mexico, are pictured atop a train known as “The Beast” while continuing their journey toward the U.S. on April 26, 2019. (Jose de Jesus Cortes/File Photo/Reuters)

Some highlights of the December 19 CIS report:

  • The presence of all immigrants (naturalized citizens, legal residents, and illegal aliens) and their U.S.-born minor children will redistribute 26 seats in the House in 2020.

  • To put this number in perspective, changing the party of 21 members of the current Congress would flip the majority in the U.S. House.

  • Ohio will have three fewer seats in 2020 than it otherwise would have had but for the presence of all immigrants and their minor children in other states. California will have 11 more seats in 2020 than it otherwise would have; New York and Texas will have four more seats each; Florida will have three more seats; New Jersey will have two more seats; and Illinois and Massachusetts will each have one additional seat.

  • Of the 26 seats that will be lost, 24 are from states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Of states that will gain House seats because of immigration, 19 seats will go to the solidly Democratic states of California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Illinois. Texas is the only solidly Republican state that gains, while Florida is a swing state.

  • Illegal immigrants and their U.S.-born minor children will redistribute five seats in 2020, with Ohio, Michigan, Alabama, Minnesota, and West Virginia each losing one seat in 2020 that they otherwise would have had. California and Texas will each have two additional seats, and New York will have one additional seat.

  • Illegal immigrants alone in the 2020 will redistribute three seats, with Ohio, Alabama, and Minnesota each having one fewer seat than they otherwise would have had, while California, New York, and Texas will have one additional seat.

The Trump administration has asked for the addition of a citizenship question be included in the 2020 census, but the Supreme Court ruled on June 27 that the census cannot include a question about citizenship.