Surrounded with love, Zuzi learns to trust humans again: pet rescue video

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 2, 2017Entertainment
Surrounded with love, Zuzi learns to trust humans again: pet rescue video
(Snapshot of the video)

This is the story of a homeless dog, Zuzi, who was rescued in Europe and adopted by a loving family from Canada.

Zuzi lived in a company’s parking lot all winter and was scared and traumatized at the mere sight of an approaching human – indicating the abuse and trauma she must have gone through.

(Snapshot of the video)
(Snapshot of the video)

The heart-touching video filmed by the Howl Of A Dog organization shows how the volunteers carefully and patiently helped to rescue this adorable dog.

(Snapshot of the video)
(Snapshot of the video)

According to their website, Zuzi’s adoptive family came to Romania and returned to Canada with one extra passenger. They knew what those stray dogs have been through and the suffering they’ve endured, so they decided to save a life and adopt a dog.

Zuzi is now living in Toronto, where she is loved and cherished: “Zuzi has blossomed into a loving and cuddly little dog that is always in our shadow. I cannot go anywhere without her being right behind me and asking for one more pat. We cannot imagine our home without her.”

“Thank you Maddy and Michael for making Zuzi a part of your beautiful family!”

Even though humans can be wicked, they can be compassionate too. This story proves it yet again. It would indeed be a bright world if everyone of us can add an extra spark of loving kindness to our hearts!

Enjoy the video below.

Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania, Europe, with the mission of “raising awareness and helping humans learn to respect and protect the lives of other species we share this planet with and we  get closer to the vision of making this world a better place for animals and for humans too.”