Taiwan Diplomat Calls For ROC to Rejoin UN, on 40th Anniversary of US-Taiwan TRA Agreement

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
September 10, 2019World News
Taiwan Diplomat Calls For ROC to Rejoin UN, on 40th Anniversary of US-Taiwan TRA Agreement
Flags of Taiwan and the United States are placed for a meeting between U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce and Su Chia-chyuan, President of the Legislative Yuan, in Taipei, Taiwan, on March 27, 2018. (Tyrone Siu/Reuters)

Commemorating is the 40th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act or TRA. Events marking the anniversary began with a Taiwan RunFest. It started on the banks of the Anacostia River in Washington on Saturday morning. Taiwanese people and other Washington locals participated. The Taiwan tourism mascot “Oh Bear” also came along to support.

Ambassador Stanley Kao, the U.S. Representative to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep. Office, said, “Now 2019, four decades afterwards, such a renewed milestone for this robust relationship!”

NTD Photo
Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen on March 21, 2019. (Sam Yeh/AFP/Getty Images)

John Norris, the Managing Director, Washington Office of the American Institute in Taiwan, said, “The TRA offered a vision and an enduring framework of our relationship.”

The government of Taiwan lost control of China to the Communist regime in 1949 and fled to Taiwan. In 1971, the U.N. transferred its membership to Communist China, which has since been blocking Taiwan from fully participating in international affairs.

On September 17, the 74th U.N. General Assembly will open in New York, and the general debate will be held from the 24th to the 30th. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and civic groups have started a new round of campaigning to support Taiwan’s bid to rejoin the U.N.


Tens of Thousands Taiwaneses protest
Tens of Thousands Taiwanese rally to safeguard democracy and to reject red (CCP infiltrated) media outside the presidential office building in Taipei, Taiwan on June 23, 2019. (Image Credit, The Epoch Times)

, who is the U.S. representative at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Rep. Office. He said; “We call on the international community that the Republic of China, (Taiwan) cannot be ignored. The Republic of China, (Taiwan), is definitely a very responsive international citizen.”

Ambassador Kao said that the U.S.-Taiwan relationship continues to develop positively and that this must continue.