Taiwan holds river cleanup for Earth Day

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 22, 2017World News

Taipei residents celebrate Earth Day with a pride of commitment to keeping the environment beautiful.

“Yes, because I love our country, love our Taiwan. It is a beautiful island and we hope that it can be clean. For this we need everyone to protect it together, if there is anything dirty or untidy, we need to fix this immediately. We also need to have recycling awareness so we can use less disposable things,” said Chen Chu-yao, a 61-year-old volunteer.

The Taipei City government’s Environmental Protection Bureau organized a river cleaning activity to mark the international celebration. Communities and companies organized workers and residents to attend and keep Taiwan looking spiffy.

April 22 is used as the day to mark international Earth Day, as well as the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.