Taiwan Shaken by 6.5-Magnitude Quake, Woman Hurt by Rockfall

Taiwan Shaken by 6.5-Magnitude Quake, Woman Hurt by Rockfall
The Taipei 101 tower, and the Taipei skyline, are pictured from the top of Elephant Mountain in Taipei, Taiwan, on Jan. 7, 2020. (Carl Court/Getty Images)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—An earthquake shook Taiwan’s capital, Taipei, on Sunday and caused falling rocks that injured a woman and damaged a car. No deaths were reported.

The 6.5-magnitude quake struck at 1:11 p.m. and was centered near Yilan, a city about 22 miles east of Taipei near the northeastern coast, according to the Central Weather Bureau. It was followed seconds later by a 5.4-magnitude quake.

Buildings in Taipei swayed. The subway and some other mass transit services were suspended.

A woman was injured by falling rocks in Taroko National Park in Hualien County, south of Yilan, the Central News Agency reported. It said one car on a highway was damaged also by falling rocks but no one was injured.