Take A Look Inside A Japanese Home, You Will Never Forget What You See

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 21, 2016Style
Take A Look Inside A Japanese Home, You Will Never Forget What You See

The love of Japanese people for simplicity is well known. Its roots are at least partially understood — where’s the sense in having an abundance of objects and possessions when an earthquake could send them flying at your head at any moment? But there’s also an important psychological idea here. The less time and money you waste on accumulating lots of unnecessary junk, the more order there will be in your home — and also in your thoughts.

Bright Side suggests taking a look inside the home of an ordinary Japanese family and observing how they live. It certainly helped us understand the true value of minimalism.

In some homes, people prefer not to have a bed. They sleep on a simple mattress instead.


Shampoo and other toiletries are hidden on ledges.


There are no items of clothing in the wardrobe that aren’t worn regularly.


In a bedroom there might only be a table and chair.


Sometimes they even get by without the chair!


What does a minimalist keep in their refrigerator? Not much.


Pots and pans are also few in number — and the cupboard looks much better.


They have all they need.


Keeping the kitchen in good order is simple when it’s not overflowing with knives and forks or anything else.


The few things that you can find in the house are really quite attractive.


There’s nothing to distract you from work in the study.

No luxurious light fittings here.

With fewer things, the rooms feel lighter and airier.

With fewer things, there’s more room to live.

A well-organized home means a well-organized mind.


Source REUTERS / Thomas Peter
Preview photo credit © REUTERS / THOMAS PETER
Based on materials from Business Insider