Take Me to the Moon: Macy’s Flower Show Is Ready for Its Grand Opening

NEW YORK—Even though the weather in New York might not quite feel like spring yet, Macy’s is ready to celebrate the season of new beginnings at its annual flower show that opens on March 24.

Preparations are well underway for the show, a tradition the department store has run for more than 70 years in Chicago, San Francisco, and over 40 years in New York.

“Macy’s is part of spring’s arrival and we love to bring the first breath of the flowers, the first wash of colors,” said Rick Pomer, creative director of Macy’s brand entertainment.

Thousands of different flowers from all over the world will be showcased at the 34th Street flagship store in Manhattan. This year’s theme ‘Journey to Paradisios,’ brings people to the multi-dimensional world of space, inspired by the first human landing on the moon in 1969—which happened 50 years ago.

“This year we leaned into the space theme for a very specific reason, this 2019 is the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing. So this is a throwback flower show to 1969 when space travel was all the rage,” said Pomer.

Macy's flower show - rocket
The ‘Starflower 1’ a blast off moment as it takes off the journey to outer space. From 2019 Macy’s Annual Spring Flower Show at 34th street flagship store in Manhattan, New York on March 22. (Shiwen/NTD Television)

From developing the themes to the transformation in the store “the process does take a full year,” said Pomer.

Every design has its own story “with the flower show like this you even have a writing team who writes a story behind it,” he added. ” I will call each of these design a chapter in one bigger story, we wrote a science fiction narrative to this whole show.”

Although the blooming seasons are different for each flower, they are specially cultivated to blossom at the same time.

“What you’re also experiencing with the flower show is something that would never happen in nature,” Pomer said. “We’re bringing them all together from the far reaches of the planet to bloom at the same time in unison, and that is a feat of science.”

Macy's Spring Flower Shown 2019
2019 Macy’s Annual Spring Flower Show at 34th street flagship store in Manhattan, New York on March 22. (Shiwen/NTD Television)

In order to ensure the quality of flowers and time of blooming, the indoor temperature is controlled at around 60 degrees Fahrenheit—more than 10 degrees lower than usual.

“Throughout the two weeks, there is upkeep and maintenance that happens every night,” said Pomer. “Getting the show to be it’s beautiful best for the next morning.”

Visitors are encouraged to bring something to keep themselves warm.

“Visit more than once because what you see today might not be what you see in a couple of days from now as things bloom and become more colorful,” he added.

The flower show will stay open for two weeks and close on April 7.