Teen Battling Cancer Raises Money For Dad

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 12, 2018Trending

A boy fighting cancer is raising money, not for himself, but to help a special person in his life.

On a cold winter-like day, what could be better than a cup of hot chocolate?

“Everybody loves hot chocolate, especially on a cold day like this,” said Jake Anders.

Even warmer than the drink is the person serving it. And even sweeter than the chocolate is his reason.

“His bones were grinding into each other, and it would cause permanent damage if he didn’t get the knee surgery,” said Jake.

17- year-old Jake Anders is raising money for his dad, a truck driver who has to have knee surgery and miss at least six weeks of work.

“He’s the main person who makes… who brings home the money,” said Jake.

“It makes me proud,” said Jake’s father Jeff Anders. “I mean, I didn’t know anything about it until yesterday evening when I finally started reading Facebook.”

Seeing Jake out here was a surprise for Jeff Anders, especially considering the news his son received less than a year ago.

“It was Dec. 12 of last year. We went to Riley. They pretty much gave him, you know, three to six months,” said Jeff.

Originally diagnosed with a brain tumor just before the age of 12, Jake’s cancer returned last year, this time, inoperable.

But still, Jake was thinking of others.

“Anyone that knows him, he is one of the most giving kids, always has been,” said Amy Anders, Jake’s mother. “I mean, he just has a great big heart.”

With support from his community and his faith, Jake has persevered.

Now in a clinical trial, his tumor is starting to shrink.

“Hopeful. It makes me feel hopeful,” said Jake.

Jake is taking that hopeful spirit and spreading it to others, working to help his family in any way he can.

“This is just how he is. He always had a positive attitude, says it is what it is,” said Amy. “He’s my hero.”