Texas Father Wins Joint Custody in Transgender Custody Case of Seven-Year-Old

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
October 24, 2019US News
Texas Father Wins Joint Custody in Transgender Custody Case of Seven-Year-Old
Jeff (L) and James Younger. (courtesy of the website SaveJames.com)

Texas father Jeff Younger won the right Thursday to have joint decision-making authority with his ex-wife concerning medical treatment for their son James, 7. Younger’s ex-wife Anne Georgulas seeks to affirm James’ alleged “gender dysphoria,” which involves James presenting as a girl named “Luna,” while Jeff Younger wants to instead go with a “wait and see” approach that could lead to the boy growing out of his condition.

Dallas Judge Kim Cooks granted joint guardianship to Younger and his ex-wife, after a jury Tuesday voted 11 to 1 against Younger in his bid to obtain sole guardianship.

Younger’s ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, has accused him of child abuse for not treating their son as a girl. Younger has accused her of encouraging James to think of himself as a girl, providing a video from when James was three-years-old of James saying his mother had told him he was a girl.

The case has attracted national attention and inspired strong feelings on each side. Georgulas’ law firm, KoonsFuller, released a statement that reads in part, “My client is being viciously attacked and threatened by complete strangers based on false and untrue statements.”

On Wed. night, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that the Texas Attorney General’s office and the Department of Family and Protective Services were going to take a look at the Younger-Georgulas case. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) described the proposed treatment of James as “child abuse.”

Younger is now subject to a gag order from the judge, preventing him from making further statements to the press. In an interview with The Epoch Times prior to his gag order and Thursday’s ruling Younger placed the conflict with Georgulas over his son in a larger context.

“My son doesn’t really know this conflict is going on. James is trying to basically make his parents love him, and he’s doing whatever it takes for his parents to love him. He dresses as a girl because he wants his mother to love him. Jude is confronted with an ethical challenge as a young man. When he goes to his mother’s home, he is lying. He is struggling with how he is supposed to lie,” Younger said.

“We put up an email from Ms. Georgulas to me in which she contemplates removing the penis from her son. We showed that to the jury. They saw it 20 minutes before they went into deliberations, and when they came out they voted 11 to 1 against me. What that tells me is that conservatives can no longer rely on a social consensus that basically agrees with traditional family values,” Younger said.

“The two sides in this conflict in America—I used to call them liberals and conservatives, but what are conservatives conserving? There’s nothing left to conserve. They’ve lost every battle with the political left for the last 60 years. It’s a battle between liberals and traditionalists. It’s not a political ideology that is separating us, it’s not superficial beliefs about politics or policies. We are leading ontologically different lives, and those differences that we have are fundamentally irreconcilable. There can be no compromise,” Younger said.

From The Epoch Times