This is the most ridiculous tantrum you’ll see all day

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 16, 2017Entertainment
This is the most ridiculous tantrum you’ll see all day

Obviously throwing a tantrum is not limited to kids in front of the candy aisle… When it comes to walking instead of playing in the bathtub, this husky is a true match to a child.

As smart as these dogs are, they don’t always have high motivation to please their owners. Zeus does love going for a walk, and he loves playing in the bathtub even more. Unfortunately for him, no one wants to open the tap for him, and on top of this, it just isn’t time for a bath, but for walking.

So there’s only own thing left to do: rolling in the bath tub howling …  Will someone eventually turn on the water or does Zeus give in?