Webinar: The CCP’s Organ Genocide

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The Committee on the Present Danger: China hosted an expert panel on Jan. 5 investigating how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) profits from forced organ harvesting with help from the West.

The webinar addresses the nature and vast scale of the CCP’s forced organ harvesting; its use on Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, and others the CCP regards as opponents, racially inferior, or simply expendable; the Big Data enabling of this practice—some of which is now being collected from unsuspecting Americans and may result in their organs being harvested in the future; the help the CCP is getting from doctors and others inside China and abroad; the CCP’s export of this practice and related technology/systems, making forcibly removed human organs a cash cow for other odious regimes; and what the public should do to stop organ genocide in China and beyond.


Frank Gaffney, executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, host of “Securing America” with Frank Gaffney on Real America’s Voice Network, and vice-chair for the Committee on the Present Danger: China


Dr. Torsten Trey: Founder, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH.org); author, “An Unprecedented Evil Persecution: A Genocide Against Goodness in Humankind” – Topic: “Forced Organ Harvesting in the People’s Republic of China for Profit and Genocide”

David Matas, Esq.: Canadian international human rights lawyer; co-founder, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China; co-author, 2006 report and subsequent book entitled, “Bloody Harvest: The Killing of Falun Gong for their Organs”; nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2010 – Topic: “The CCP’s Weaponizing of Organ Genocide Against Its Unwanted”

Dr. G. Weldon Gilcrease: Associate Professor, Oncology Division, University of Utah School of Medicine; a Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) investigator – Topic: “Western Enablers of the CCP’s Organ Genocide – the ‘Thousand Talents’ Program and More”