Is Police Racism the Problem? Transgender Athletes vs. Fair Play; Burden of the High-Profile Juror

President Joe Biden pushes police reform to “root out systemic racism.” But does the data support the charge? Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik doesn’t think so.

So why is the narrative of police brutality and racism so common? Professor Wilfred Reilly at Kentucky State University has studied exactly this question and has some answers.

Ddo you think it’s OK for protests to sometimes be violent? That’s what we ask this week in America Q&A.

In Connecticut, four female high school athletes will continue their fight to keep biological boys out of girls’ sports. We speak to their lawyer Christiana Holcomb from the Alliance Defending Freedom.

The case highlights the growing tension between transgender activists and feminist groups, as we learn from Lauren Adams, legal director at the Women’s Liberation Front.

Finally, what’s it like to be a juror in a high-profile case? We find out from Nichet Smith, a juror for the gruesome 2005 murder of Emily Cagal. And we speak with Diane Dimond, investigative journalist and author of “Thinking Outside the Crime and Justice Box.”

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