The Threat of Biowarfare: Chinese Labs and Weaponized Migration

Are we facing the threat of biowarfare? The COVID-19 pandemic left many skeptical about its origin. It appears contained. However, there is troubling news from around the country of old diseases re-emerging. Tuberculosis, polio, and leprosy. Also, of great concern is an outbreak of H5N1 “bird flu” that is affecting the food supply—in particular, cattle.

Outbreaks have occurred in Texas, elsewhere, and now it has even spread to humans. The White House is monitoring the situation.

In central America there’s an outbreak of the deadly screw worm parasite. Why are these old diseases cropping up after decades of being contained? Are the pathogens being manipulated? Are they connected to the influx of illegal immigrants via the U.S. southern border? Why is this happening now?

There’s also the discovery of a biolab in a small town in California containing genetically altered mice infected with COVID-19, with many more disease samples found on the premises. Are there more labs like this around the United States and the world? If so, who is funding them? Does the Chinese communist regime have a hand in it and how are government agencies responding? How big is the threat?

And in China, did they shut down the lab in Wuhan, where the first outbreak of COVID-19 occurred? Or are they still doing research? If so, how far have they gone?

Our guests, Dr. Xiaoxu Sean Lin, professor at Fei Tian College, Steve Ispas, reporter and host with EpochTV, and Darlene McCormick Sanchez, investigative journalist with the Epoch Times, join us to help uncover what we are facing.