Theatergoers Saddened That Shen Yun Unable to Perform in China

Boston welcomed Shen Yun Performing Arts World Company with open arms in its twelfth year. This year’s world tour brought seven performances to the Boch Center Wang Theatre, from Dec 27, 2017 to Jan 1, 2018.

Dr. Matthias Donelan, Plastic Surgeon, “I think it’s breathtaking and brilliant and exciting, all at the same time.”

Ingrid Dinter, Consultant in Personal Development Field, “I was blown away. It was very touching!”

Sotirios Angelakis, Retired Financial Professional: “The performers are incredible! They are definitely incredible—very athletic, very passionate … in the way they move, the way they express themselves.

Shen Yun presents 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture through dance and music.

Ingrid Dinter, Consultant in Personal Development Field:  “The color of the orchestra, the combination of traditional [Chinese instruments and Western classical instruments]—what I consider some things familiar to me, and instruments I have never heard before … and just bringing it in, and then stepping away again, saying, ‘Well this is part of what we do,’ art is an ambassador, and I don’t know how better to do it.”

But the performance is more than an extraordinarily entertaining night on the town—it’s also educational.

Dr. Matthias Donelan, Plastic Surgeon:  “I would tell [others] that it’s very much just something that they should consider coming to see because it would broaden their perspective of China. Most Americans don’t realize how old the culture is of the Chinese people, and how, as we watched in the show, it seems as though Chinese dance has influenced almost every type of folk dance and classical ballet and gymnastics.”

This year Shen Yun will be touring 5 continents, covering 150 venues and counting, except China.

Sotirios Angelakis, Retired Financial Professional: “It’s a shame that we are lucky enough to see such a presentation and experience the music, and the culture of China through thousands of years, but unfortunately people in China, they’re deprived of their own history, their own culture. We’re fortunate enough to experience it.”

Ingrid Dinter, Consultant in Personal Development Field: “I should come back and see more!”

NTD News, Boston