‘They Force You to Donate and Then Claim It’s Voluntary’: Report Says CCP Officials Coerce Citizens to Donate Organs

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 30, 2023China in Focus

In other news, Beijing is now urging Chinese citizens to register for its “voluntary” organ donation program, but according to social media reports,  some citizens alleged they were coerced into joining.

In July, China’s Administrative Center for Organ Donation issued a “major” notice to promote organ donation among Chinese citizens.

Across the country, schools, medical institutions, and businesses all shared the notice—touting their participation in the campaign.

The program is registering people as young as middle school students.

Some Chinese netizens revealed that the range has far exceeded a volunteer system.

While some reports say there’s more to the story.

In the northern province of Shandong, online reports say local authorities have mandated all healthcare system staff to register for the organ donation program.

The reports allege that pressure to sign up is coming directly from supervisors.

In a video posted online, a resident says she received a text message showing she had registered as a voluntary donor after she lost her ID.

Others shared similar messages, noting they never initiated the sign-up process.

Some also met with difficulty when trying to pull out of the program.

“They force you to donate and then claim it’s voluntary. They make all of society participate in this organ donation campaign. Only through this can the CCP conceal the illegal forced organ harvesting in China,” Lai Jianping, a former Chinese attorney who now lives in Canada, said.

According to the United Nations Human Rights Office, tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were killed between 2001 and 2006 with their organs sold as state-backed, black-market transplants.

Falun Gong is a spiritual meditation practice based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.

Early this year, a CCP official’s death during the COVID-19 outbreak uncovered certain privileges reportedly enjoyed by Beijing’s elite.

According to his obituary, he “had many organs replaced in his body.”

The obituary was quickly scrubbed from the Chinese internet.