‘This Is an Expression of Freedom’ Says Chairman

Richard Stephenson, founder and chairman of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, attended a performance in Phoenix with his wife Stacie.

“A remarkable, absolute, extravagant expression of the human spirit born of our Creator,” he said. “It’s just a gift. The gift you have here is an expression of the human spirit that you don’t see on stage, screen, or elsewhere. This is fabulous.”

“The beautiful classical dance, the beautiful classical blending of emotion and freedom, and caring, and human beings taking care of each other even when someone was wronged, they still helped the person that hurt them and that just made me cry.
It’s beautiful,” said Mrs. Stephenson.

“I feel the energy just coming right through…I could see everyone’s eyes because I was in the front row. So I could see the energy, no doubt.”

“Your performers are beautiful, I see the light in their eyes and the smile on their faces and they just want to share their beautiful classical culture with everyone here in America. I could see they want to share all over the world, and we very much appreciate.”

The couple sees the performance as an expression of freedom through art. Much of traditional Chinese culture is divinely inspired. However, after the Cultural Revolution, much of the heritage was lost under the Chinese regime.

“The human spirit gets buried under the yoke of oppression, persecution and that’s not what the Creator had in mind for us. And you reveal that in elegance today. What you expressed to us in dance classic music, wonderful, absolutely flowing, unbelievable theatrical performance that highlighted the importance of the Creator which makes it possible [for the freedom of] expression. You can’t express these views if in fact the government won’t let you and you know there are governments who won’t let you. That’s not what we were founded as a human to in fact, abide. We are not to be subject to the yoke of someone else’s judgment. Period.”

“It’s inspiring. It inspires your heart, it inspires your soul and it gives you hope for humanity,” said Mrs. Stephenson.

“The idea of the Grand Creator where we have ultimate forgiveness for everyone and ultimate caring for everyone touched my heart. It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

NTD News, Phoenix, Arizona