This wedding ceremony will steal your heart

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 2, 2017Stories


Close your eyes and imagine what your fairytale wedding ceremony looks like. Most of us would imagine a certain amount of pageantry ceremonial riches that tug at the hearts of all in attendance, and of course from the bride and groom. Not everyone envisions the same kind of wedding, ceremony, though. But it would take some convincing to believe that not every person who marries wishes for the kind of love shared between these two amazing people, Mara & Elo.


The uniqueness of the depth of their love is not masked. Sure, there’s the visible difference in their physical appearance, but that is not an issue for them. Elo is a little person with a big heart. Mara embodies a soul that is so beautiful and nurturing you can almost see it. Truly, however, it’s their tenderness and selfless caring for each other that shines above all else. When you watch this video, you will feel that as the two recite their vows.


During the wedding ceremony, Mara spoke to Elo, “I will love you, forever as the day more. Nothing is more important to me than our love for each other. And I feel so blessed and grateful, that you loved me despite my imperfections, always seeing the gold in me even if I reflect silver. I believe I’m the helpmate God’s design especially for you. And I promise to be the arms that you need to reach your star and the legs that you need to take too big steps. My arms and legs are made to be the extension of yours.”

True love is real, my friends. And so are endings that begin with “happy ever afters.”