Thousands march to remember the Holocaust

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 24, 2017World News

Thousands of people from around the world marched the mile and a half between the Birkenau and Auschwitz concentration camps, on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Not in celebration, but to make sure the world never forgets how horribly humans can behave.

That memory is the best  hope to keep such horror from ever recurring.

“The young people coming in here, they could see me as a survivor, coming in here and telling the story of what happened, how people were murdered,” said Holocaust survivor Edward Mossberg.

“This is my duty, my obligation. As long as I live I have to tell this story,” he said.

Six million Jews and 7 million other “undesirables” were eliminated in camps like these.

President Trump called the Holocaust “humanity’s darkest chapter.”

These people march to make sure nothing darker is ever written.