Tillerson and Johnson pledge commitment to information-sharing and combating terrorism

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
May 26, 2017US News

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson reiterated their commitment to information-sharing during a news conference in London on May 26.

“We have talked about all sorts of things today at lunch as you would expect. A wide range of issues: Syria, relations with Iran, the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or) North Korea, the vital importance of the work we do together across such a range of fields, including of course intelligence sharing. And around the world you will find the US and the UK facing the same problems together,” said Johnson.

“Even as our ally and friend mourns, the thirst for justice burns very hot. We will drive out the terrorists and the extremists. As President Trump said earlier this week in Saudi Arabia, we must drive the extremists out of our communities, we must drive them out of any country that will provide them safe haven and we must drive them off the face off the earth,” said Tillerson.

Tillerson’s visit comes after U.K. police and government officials were angered over alleged leaks to U.S. media of information from the Manchester attack investigation.

The alleged leaks led British authorities to suspend some information sharing with the United States.

Intelligence sharing was later resumed after British officials said they were assured by U.S. authorities that confidential material would be protected.

President Donald Trump had condemned the leaks and called for an investigation.