Tillerson: No role for Assad in Syria’s future

By Reuters
October 27, 2017World News
Tillerson: No role for Assad in Syria’s future
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson takes part in a press conference after a meeting with the Russian Foreign Minister in Moscow on April 12, 2017. (Alexander Nemenov/AFP/Getty Images)

GENEVA–President Bashar al-Assad and his family have no role in the future of Syria, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Oct. 26 ahead of peace talks aiming at a political transition scheduled to resume next month.

Tillerson said that the Trump administration backed the Geneva peace talks as the only way to end the more than six-year-old war and move to a political transition and elections.

He was speaking after holding talks with U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura, who announced that stalled peace talks between the Syrian government and still-to-be-united opposition would resume in Geneva on Nov. 28.

“The United States wants a whole and unified Syria with no role for Bashar al-Assad in the government,” Tillerson told reporters in the Swiss city at the end of a week-long trip that took him to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan and India.

“It is our view and I have said this many times as well that we do not believe that there is a future for the Assad regime and Assad family. The reign of the Assad family is coming to an end. The only issue is how that should that be brought about.”

When the Trump administration came into office it took the view that it was “not a prerequisite that Assad goes” before the transitional process started, he added.

Supported by Russian air power and Iran-backed militias, Assad appears militarily unassailable and last month Assad-ally Hezbollah declared victory in the Syrian war.

Those forces have pushed ISIS back from large swathes of eastern Syria in recent months and over the past year have taken numerous pockets of rebel-held territory around Aleppo, Homs and Damascus.

“My reading is that Assad is here to stay for as long as the Russians and the Iranians have no alternative to him,” a Western diplomat told Reuters. “The date of his departure will depend on the Russians more than anyone else. Once – or if – they find someone better, he may go.”

A protester holds a banner as he takes part in a demonstration in front of U.N. offices in Beirut in solidarity with the civilians of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo and against the regime of the Syrian President Bashar Assad, on May 1, 2016. (Anwar Amro/AFP/Getty Images)
A protester holds a banner as he takes part in a demonstration in front of U.N. offices in Beirut in solidarity with the civilians of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo and against the regime of the Syrian President Bashar Assad, on May 1, 2016. (Anwar Amro/AFP/Getty Images)

Ceasefire deals brokered by Russia, Turkey, Iran and the United States in remaining rebel-held areas of western Syria have freed up manpower for Assad’s allies.

Tillerson called his discussions with de Mistura “fruitful” and said the U.S. will “continue our efforts to de-escalate the violence in Syria”.

He said the only reason Assad’s forces had succeeded in turning the tide in the war against ISIS and other militants was “air support they have received from Russia”.

Supporters of the Syrian government hold a pro-Russian banner, during a demonstration in Damascus, Syria, on Oct. 12, 2011, as they show their support for Syrian President Bashar Assad and to thank Russia and China for blocking a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Syria for its brutal crackdown. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman)
Supporters of the Syrian government hold a pro-Russian banner, during a demonstration in Damascus, Syria, on Oct. 12, 2011, as they show their support for Syrian President Bashar Assad and to thank Russia and China for blocking a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Syria for its brutal crackdown. (AP Photo/Muzaffar Salman)

Tillerson said Iran, Assad’s other main ally, should not be seen as having made the difference in the defeat of ISIS in Syria.

“I do not see Syria as a triumph for Iran. I see Iran as a hanger-on. I don’t think that Iran should be given credit for the defeat of ISIS In Syria. Rather I think they have taken advantage of the situation.”
