Tired of waiting for waves to come by? Try sumo surfing!

Jocelyn Neo
By Jocelyn Neo
February 11, 2017Entertainment
Tired of waiting for waves to come by? Try sumo surfing!

Some surfers seek the adrenaline rush that comes when riding on big waves but sometimes these waves don’t come. Surfers have to paddle out and wait patiently for the next one to arrive. Now, a group of surfers have found a way to ride on every smaller wave that comes by doing “sumo surfing”.

David Fred and his friends from Aqua Board are wearing sumo suits which are inflatable suits that are 38 inches wide and 33 inches long. The suits are designed for body surfing and are fairly easy to control.

The guys seem to be having a great time surfing with the suits. Sumo surfing, anyone?