We’re in this together: Mom shaves her head in solidarity with daughter before her brain surgery

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 5, 2017Stories
We’re in this together: Mom shaves her head in solidarity with daughter before her brain surgery

Little Faith was dismayed when she found out she had to have her head shaved. Doctors had found a tumor pushing down on her optic nerve and damaging her pituitary gland and had to shave a section of her hair in preparation for surgery.

Along with coping with her illness, this added more stress and had a bad effect on the little girl’s state of mind.


Then, her mother Jamie Dawn Beckstead came up with a brilliant idea to make her feel better. She went home and came back with the same shaved hairstyle as Faith’s.

Faith felt much more comforted.

You can see by the look on her face that she feels they are totally in this together! The little brave girl knows her mother will stay by her side, no matter what. Every fight is easier when you know your mom has your back.

Her amazing story was shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page:

“This is Faith May, my superhero!!! Faith just had surgery to remove a brain tumor that was pushing on her optic nerve and destroying her pituitary gland. Every superhero has a side kick who picks them up, dusts them off, and makes them feel stronger then ever. Faith was feeling a little down when she noticed they had to shave some of her hair to remove her tumor. In true side kick fashion Faith’s mom, Jamie Dawn Beckstead, went home during a shift swap and came back looking just like Faith! Judging by her smile she loves it!”

Showing empathy to those in their hour of need is like a beacon of light.

(h/t: A Plus)