Top 10 Longest Living Animals

Some animals have notoriously short lives but others are able to, in most cases, live long and productive lives.

One of the longest-living animals is the albatross, which has a lifespan averaging 40 years.

According to National Geographic, albatrosses often live up to 50 years in the wild.

In 2011, Reuters reported that Wisdom, a 60-year-old albatross, hatched her estimated 35th chick on the Midway Atoll.

Researchers have been tracking the birds for 90 years, and Wisdom is the oldest wild specimen documented in that time. “It’s really exciting to see that these birds are long-living and still raising chicks at 60 years old or older,” said John Klavitter, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist.

The service reported in 2018 that Wisdom is still alive and producing chicks.

Check out the video for more of the longest-living animals.