Trump Campaign Announces 2nd Lawsuit in Michigan

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 11, 2020NTD News Today

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany announced 234 pages of what she said were sworn affidavits alleging election fraud. They’re tied to Wayne County in Michigan.

Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is currently leading the state by less than 150,000 votes. The count is not complete and investigations are underway.

McEnany shared examples of the allegations on Fox News’ “Hannity,” such as batches of ballots signed with the same signature, ballots with no voter record, and ballots that were run through tabulation machines multiple times.

Other allegations include GOP observers being harassed and pushed out of the way.

President Trump’s reelection campaign filed a suit in Wayne County Circuit Court alleging voter fraud on Monday.

Late Tuesday, it announced filing another lawsuit in the state’s U.S. District Court. This lawsuit seeks a review of the Dominion Voting software used in several states.

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said a software ‘glitch’ switched 6,000 GOP votes to Democrats.

Both Dominion and the Michigan Secretary of State disputed the claim.

Issues with the Dominion software were also reported in three counties in Georgia.

The lawsuit intends to verify whether similar errors occurred in other Michigan counties where the software was used.