Trump: China Will Play By the Rules

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 8, 2016Latest
Trump: China Will Play By the Rules
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump speaks at a Victory Tour Rally, on December 8, 2016 in Des Moines, Iowa. (Steve Pope/Getty Images)

Speaking at his Dec. 8 victory rally in Iowa, US President-elect Donald Trump repeated his criticism of Beijing, saying that the world’s most populous country would start to “play by the rules” during his presidency.

In the speech, Trump announced Iowa’s governor, Republican Terry Branstad, as his pick for Ambassador to China.

Trump hopes that Branstad, who got to know the country’s leader Xi Jinping when he was a minor Chinese official, would be able to foster mutual respect between the two countries.

“We’re going to have mutual respect, and China is going to benefit and we’re going to benefit,” Trump said. “And Terry is going to lead the way.”

China has long been a subject of the president-elect’s criticism, given its pursuit of economic practices detrimental to the United States. In Iowa he mentioned China’s “unfair taxes on our companies,” “massive theft of intellectual property,” and “not helping with the menace of North Korea like they should.”  

(NTD Television)