Trump Mocks ‘Staged’ Crowd for ‘Foul Mouthed’ Omar, Says Media Has ‘Sick Partnership’ With Squad

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
July 19, 2019Politics
Trump Mocks ‘Staged’ Crowd for ‘Foul Mouthed’ Omar, Says Media Has ‘Sick Partnership’ With Squad
President Donald Trump tours the 'Made In America' product showcase at the White House in Washington on July 15, 2019. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

President Donald Trump renewed his attacks against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on July 19, claiming that a crowd filmed greeting her after landing in the Twin Cities late Thursday was “tiny” and “staged.”

Video footage showing Omar arriving in Minnesota on Thursday afternoon showed a crowd of dozens of people screaming and greeting her.

Omar told the crowd: “We are going to continue to be a nightmare to this president.”

She told reporters that Trump “is fascist.”

Trump took to Twitter early the next morning to criticize media outlets for widely covering the “send her back” chant that erupted during his rally on Wednesday after he listed a number of controversial statements Omar has made in the past, such as claiming Israel “hypnotized” the world.

“It is amazing how the Fake News Media became ‘crazed’ over the chant ‘send her back’ by a packed Arena (a record) crowd in the Great State of North Carolina, but is totally calm & accepting of the most vile and disgusting statements made by the three Radical Left Congresswomen,” Trump wrote.

“Mainstream Media, which has lost all credibility, has either officially or unofficially become a part of the Radical Left Democrat Party. It is a sick partnership, so pathetic to watch!”

The president suggested the greeting for Omar was staged.

“They even covered a tiny staged crowd as they greeted Foul Mouthed Omar in Minnesota, a State which I will win in #2020 because they can’t stand her and her hatred of our Country, and they appreciate all that I have done for them (opening up mining and MUCH more) which has led to the best employment & economic year in Minnesota’s long and beautiful history!” he continued.

Omar, a Somalian national who is now an American citizen, and her close allies such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) have regularly criticized Trump as he has ratcheted up the attacks on them in recent days.

She said at the airport that the president feels threatened by them.

“The reality is everybody talks about how [Trump] is threatened because we criticize him,” Omar said, according to MPR. “But the reality is he is threatened because we are inspiring people to dream about a country that recognizes our dignity and our humanity.”

Trump, on the other hand, said that people who keep criticizing the country would seem to be better off in another nation.

“If you’re not happy here, then you can leave. As far as I’m concerned, if you hate our country, if you’re not happy here you can leave. And that’s what I say all the time,” Trump told reporters while responding to questions during the “Made in America” event at the White House on Tuesday.

“Somebody that comes from Somalia, which is a failed government, a failed state, who left Somalia, who ultimately came here and now is a congresswoman, who’s never happy,” he later added. “[Omar] says horrible things about Israel, hates Israel, hates Jews, hates Jews, it’s very simple.”