Trump Opens White House Gate for Cowboys in the Summer

Miguel Moreno
By Miguel Moreno
February 27, 2019US News

After their journey on the old dusty trail to Washington, a group of cowboys left to their respective states, still bearing a token of respect: a cowboy hat branded with the name, “Donald J. Trump.” It was a gift for their president.

Cowboys for Trump is a group that rides horseback for three concerns, which include securing the southern porous border, protecting the unborn, and preserving the Second Amendment, according to their Facebook page. Calling it a ride of righteousness, the cowboys set off from Maryland on Feb. 15 and completed the trek on Feb. 22.

Thank you President Trump !!

Nai-post ni Cowboys For Trump noong Biyernes, Pebrero 22, 2019

Once the patriots left, they were soon called by “Fox & Friends” for an interview in Manhattan, and that was a surprise they didn’t want to miss. And after the interview—Couy Griffin, one of the lead cowboys—got a call from the president: the man they journeyed to support in response to Trump declaring a national emergency.

Day 6

Nai-post ni Cowboys For Trump noong Miyerkules, Pebrero 20, 2019

Invitation to the South Lawn

Griffin received a call from the White House explaining that president would call him with an unknown number. And moments later, the call arrives, leaving Griffin searching for words.

Trump answered with a simple, “Hello?” Griffin said in an interview. And Griffin, now breathing easier after slapping himself across the face a couple of times, opened with solemnity.

Well the Governor got to meet Gunner! ????

Nai-post ni Couy Griffin noong Biyernes, Enero 11, 2019

“Mr. President, I’m gonna try to keep from crying whenever I talk to you because it is such an honor,” said Griffin. “And I have so much respect for you and your office.”

Griffin described the conversation as great, which lasted 30 minutes. The president and Griffin hit it off, and Trump apologized for not receiving the cowboys.

Trump said, though he had seen them, he wasn’t told why they were there. So Trump invited the cowboys to the White House, but with Griffin being the Otero County Committee chairman of New Mexico, he had a duty to fulfill in New Mexico. In the end, the president gave them an open invitation to the South Lawn of the White House over the summer so they can ride right in, according to Griffin.

A Special Hat for the President

A few times upon the completion of their trek, people offered to take the hat from its maker, Ramie Harper, to deliver it to the president; but Griffin said that the maker’s hands were the only ones worthy of the job.

“If we’re gonna give this hat to the president … I want Ramie to hand it to the president directly.”

just got inEl Paso,Fox an Friends just called an were headed back to New York for an interview in the morning watch for us on the news tommorow lol might get the hat to him yet lotta obstacles anyone can help check out our go fund me

Nai-post ni Ramie Harper noong Sabado, Pebrero 23, 2019

Until then, Harper will have to hold on to the symbolic gift; and Griffin said he has a special saddle full of history he’s thinking of gifting the president when he meets him.