Trump Rallies Crowd in South Jersey, Highlights Achievements and Reaffirms Promises

WILDWOOD, N.J.—President Trump rallied a fired-up crowd of supporters in South Jersey Shore on Tuesday. Earsplitting cheers rang out in the packed Wildwoods Convention Center after Trump highlighted his economic achievements and reaffirmed promises on tax cuts and school choice.

“We’re fighting to give school choice to every child in America who needs it,” President Trump said. “During national school choice week, we reaffirm that no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school.”

The president continued, “And by the way, sometime prior to the end of the year we’re putting in for a new middle-income tax cut, a very big one.”

He highlighted his success in taking out the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who Trump says “was responsible for murdering and wounding thousands of Americans and actively planning new attacks.”

Trump at NJ rally
President Donald Trump claps during a “Keep America Great” campaign rally at Wildwoods Convention Center in Wildwood, N.J., on Jan. 28, 2020. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

“You know the roadside bombs that you see hurting our people and lots of other people so badly? Their legs, their arms wiped out. No legs, no arms. Soleimani loved that. That was his weapon of choice. We didn’t like him. He’s not around anymore,” Trump said.

Moving to another topic, Trump said he plans to make late-term abortion illegal.

“That is why I’ve asked Congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortion because Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God,” he said.

In the middle of his speech, the president castigated fake news, and the crowd turned to face the press in the risers and booed. The mayor of Middle Township, New Jersey, Timothy Donohue, said it’s up to Trump’s supporters to tell others what Trump is really doing.

“We have to get the word out about his record because the media won’t talk about it. He’s had an amazing three years, and all we hear about is impeachment and all that other crap. It’s up to us as his grassroots supporters to do what he does every day. To get on social media and talk about all the good things that are happening in the country and spread the word,” Donohue said.

Donohue also says he supports Trump because he cut taxes and lessened government overreach, which a small business owner says allows businesses to dictate their own futures.

“Obviously, the tax cuts have been very favorable for that,” said Ben Scola, a restaurant owner and senior vice president of the Cara Restaurant Group. “Certainly giving power to the people with discretionary spending is certainly an advantage in this economy.”

Some supporters are happy with Trump’s economic achievements because it has boosted retirement funds and job growth.

“Our retirement account is like going crazy, you know, that’s really good,” Beth DeAntonio said. “My children are getting jobs and they’re being successful, too.”

Additionally, a Korean War vet at the rally stood behind Trump because of his efforts to help veterans get medical help.

“For the vets, he’s made them have availability for doctors, and they can live longer,” Bob Palentchar said. “They don’t have to wait in line for months and months and months for service. And also he built up our military to protect the United States against the terrorists in the world.”

Near the end of his speech, Trump said that he will work to “enact trade deals, the greatest deals ever made, that result in more products proudly stamped with that beautiful phrase ‘Made in the USA.'”

At the conclusion, Trump said that “faith and family, not government bureaucracy, are the true American ways.”

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