Trump recaps first 100 day achievements in weekly address

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
April 28, 2017US News

In President Trump’s weekly address on April 28, he listed the accomplishments that he is most proud of during his first 100 days.

Trump said he dialed back on federal overreach and government regulation to boost job creation.  

“Our companies are doing better. They just announced fantastic profits all because of what’s happened in this rather short period of time. And that’s just the beginning. We’re putting in a massive tax cut for the middle class and for business. It’s going to have an enormous effect. The massive keystone pipeline, the dakota pipeline, tens of thousands of jobs right there. And so many other businesses. We’re really proud of what we’re doing,” said the president.

He made a notable mention of the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

“My administration is the first in modern political era to confirm a new Supreme Court Justice in the first 100 days. The last time it happened was 136 years ago in 1881,” said Trump.

He reiterated his commitment to put America first.

“From the first day of my administration I have governed by a simple idea: my only allegiance is to you, our wonderful citizens. Together we are seeing that great achievements are possible when we put American people first,” said Trump.