Trump Reinstates Ban on Federal Money for Abortion NGOs

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
January 23, 2017News
Trump Reinstates Ban on Federal Money for Abortion NGOs
U.S. President Donald Trump signs the first of three Executive Orders in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC on Monday, January 23, 2017. Pool/Getty Images

One Monday, Jan. 23, newly-inaugurated US President Donald Trump reinstated the ban on federal money for international NGOs that promote or perform abortions. The act came as part of several other executive orders Trump signed the same day.

The ban is known as the “Mexico City Policy,” and was first introduced by Reagan. The Mexico City Policy has been repealed by Democratic Presidents and reinstated by Republican ones since then, it was most recently repealed by Obama. Trump reinstated the policy with an executive order.

Trump has made his pro-life position clear throughout his campaign, though he previously stated in an interview that he would be open to the decision on whether to ban or allow abortion to go back to individual states.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reaffirmed Trump’s position in a press briefing today, stating: “supporting all of life, the born or unborn… that’s what he’s going to fight for.”

(NTD Television)