Trump to review Obama-era fuel efficiency standards

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 16, 2017News

President Trump was in Michigan on March 15th, talking at the American Center for Mobility. Michigan voters were key to Trump’s victory. Trump won the state largely because of his promise to bring back jobs to the area, especially in the car industry.

“There is no more beautiful sight than an American-made car,” said the President.  

Detroit’s car industry has declined over the years, with some manufacturers moving plants overseas. “The number of auto plants in the state has been cut by a third. Motor City once set the standard of living for the nation. Now it has suffered under decades of failed economic decisions that have stripped our country of its jobs and of its wealth.”  Trump said.

Trump is now planning to review fuel efficiency standards that he feels are harming the industry. Saying: “The standards were set far into the future — way, way into the future.  If the standards threatened auto jobs, then commonsense changes could have and should have been made.”

The Obama administration signed legislation requiring fuel efficiency to gradually increase. With average efficiency reaching 36 mpg by 2025, up from 25 mpg today. However the Department of Transportation didn’t sign on to the 2022 to 2025 section of the scheme. So Trump has an opportunity to review the rules and potentially cancel them.
(NTD Staff)