Trump to sign new ‘travel ban’ executive order

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
March 6, 2017News

A revised executive order temporarily barring the entry of people from six countries and halting the nation’s refugee program is expected to be signed by President Donald Trump Monday.

According to a fact sheet distributed to lawmakers and obtained by the AP, the new directive aims to address legal issues that arose from the original order, which was quickly blocked by the courts.

People from Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia and Yemen, who do not currently have valid visas will be blocked from coming to the U.S. in 90 days.

Iraq, which was originally included in the list of banned countries, was removed after agreeing to increase cooperation with the U.S. government on vetting its citizens applying for visas.

The fact sheet obtained says the new ban allows for the “proper review and establishment of standards to prevent terrorist or criminal infiltration by foreign nationals.”
