Trump speaks about China and North Korea

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
February 23, 2017News

In an interview with Reuters, US President Donald Trump called North Korea a “very dangerous problem.”

He said that China had ‘tremendous control’ over the nuclear-armed communist country.

“I think they could solve the problem very easily, if they want to,” Trump said.

He also said that North Korea’s nuclear weapons program should have been taken care of during the Obama administration, and suggested that anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense was one of various measures that could be taken. China is strongly opposed to the THAAD ABM system scheduled to be deployed in South Korea.

“There’s talks about than a lot more than that. We’ll see what happens,” Trump said.

Trump reiterated his stance on China’s economic practices.

“I think they’re grand champions at manipulation of currency. So I haven’t held back. We’ll see what happens,” Trump said.

But the President seems optimistic about working with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

“I’ve had very good phone calls with President Xi and I’ve had very good talks with him and the call is a start. But we have a very big problem and a very dangerous problem for the world with North Korea.”

(NTD News)