Trump Supporters in Michigan Discuss Voter Fraud

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
December 3, 2020NTD News Today

Dozens of Trump supporters stood outside to show their support as the president’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, testified before Michigan’s House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

“It’s a cold day, we were down here yesterday. We really didn’t want to come, but we know that for our kids and our grandkids to live in a free country, we gotta be here. We’re standing up for them,” said Steve Redmond, president of Ottawa County Patriots.

“We need to stop the steal. We need to stop the takeover of American freedom. We need to stop Biden and all of these criminals from taking our freedom,” said Valerie Allemon-Raimi, a small business owner.

Some of the people there were poll challengers that witnessed election interference and faced intimidation when they tried to call it out.

“When several people at a table I stood at had a monitor that showed birth dates 1/1/1900. How many people can be born on the same day?” said poll watcher Beverly Fields.

The Michigan hearing went on for over 4 hours and had several witnesses come forward about voter fraud.