Trump Team Appeals Dismissal of Pennsylvania Case

NTD Newsroom
By NTD Newsroom
November 24, 2020NTD News Today

The appeal brings the campaign one step closer to its stated goal of getting an election challenge to the Supreme Court.

District Court Judge Matthew Brann dismissed the campaign’s lawsuit on Nov 21.

He said the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the claim.

The Trump campaign argued that voters in Republican-controlled counties were treated unequally to those in Democrat-controlled counties: voters in Democrat-controlled counties were given the chance to fix issues with their absentee ballots, while those in Republican-controlled counties were not.

Brann argued that “None of Defendant Counties received, reviewed, or discarded Individual Plaintiffs’ ballots. Even assuming that Defendant Counties unconstitutionally allowed other voters to cure their ballots, that alone cannot confer standing on Plaintiffs who seek to challenge the denial of their votes.”