Trump Says Biden Should Have Never Allowed Russia and China to Draw Close

Trump Says Biden Should Have Never Allowed Russia and China to Draw Close
Former President Donald Trump addresses the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Md., on March 4, 2023. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Due to the failed leadership of the Biden administration, China and Russia are becoming close, and the risk of nuclear war is increasing. This was the key takeaway from former President Donald Trump’s CPAC speech on Saturday.

Trump said that while he was in office, an important national security goal was to “never allow Russia and China to get together.” He blasted President Joe Biden for making the two nuclear powers “buddies.”

In February, China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin held a meeting in Moscow to expand the “mutually beneficial cooperation” between the two countries. This occurred just days before the first anniversary of the beginning of the Ukraine conflict.

Putin has spoken positively about the progress of Russia-China relations, highlighting the potential for further advancements in areas like bilateral trade.

Trump lays the blame on Biden.

The former President criticized Biden for his weak leadership of the United States, suggesting Putin decided to invade Ukraine after witnessing Biden’s failed withdrawal from Afghanistan during his first year in office. Trump said he believes Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would not have taken place were he still in office.

“Russia never would have pulled the trigger,” he said. “There would have been no obliterated cities that can never be rebuilt.”

“I had the personality that kept us out of World War III.”

Things could get worse now, Trump said, with Biden risking nuclear annihilation by continuing to fund Ukraine. Officials in the current administration have echoed similar concerns.

In an interview with the Financial Times, U.S. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the war will ultimately have to end at the negotiating table and not on the battlefield.

“In this particular case, it’s against a country that is large and is nuclear-armed. So you have to be very, very conscious about managing escalation.”

Trump criticized some of his former generals, specifically James Mattis, for pursuing policies that kept U.S. troops abroad indefinitely, something Trump said is bad for America.

Trump advocated for a “policy of peace through strength,” mentioning that no new wars were starting during his presidency and no American soldiers lost their lives in service of their country.

“This is the most dangerous time in the history of our country that Joe Biden is leading us into oblivion.”

From The Epoch Times